With the summer of 2016 winding down, we finally had a chance to work on the area directly behind greenhouse #4. Specifically, we built a new 42 feet long carnivorous plant water table. This growing area will accommodate our staple carnivorous plants such as S. Carolina Yellow Jacket, S. leucophylla Tarnok and King Henry Venus Fly Trap. The carnivorous plant water table will be part of a circulating water system. It will receive it’s water from an adjacent cp growing table and return the water to the neighboring rainwater pond. The area directly below will be used to display our 2017 lotus stock plant collection. For now, the lower wall makes an ideal display area for a few of our 2016 lotus plants.
The project made use of wall stone from an auctioned off pond at a local garden center, which closed 3 years ago. The blocks have been sitting in our parking lot during this time waiting to be used once again. Many thanks to our staff at Bergen Water Gardens who helped to move the 120+ wall stones and 16 tons of gravel!
Currently we are growing the following carnivorous plants from tissue culture. Most of the carnivorous plants, especially American Pitcher Plants, will be available in 2017.
- Sarracenia ‘Bug Bat’
- Sarracenia ‘Carolina Yellow Jacket’
- Sarracenia x Catesbaei
- Sarracenia x ‘Dana’s Delight’
- Sarracenia ‘Fat Chance’
- Sarracenia ‘Green Apache’
- Sarracenia ‘Judith Hindle’
- Sarracenia leucophylla compacta
- Sarracenia leucophylla ‘Tarnok’
- Sarracenia purpurea ssp. venosa red
- Sarracenia Red Apache
- Sarracenia x Scarlet Belle
- Sarracenia Sylwia
- plus assorted other Pitcher Plants
A few Venus Fly Traps:
- Dionaea muscipula ‘Akai Ryu’ (Red Dragon)
- Dionaea muscipula x ‘King Henry’
- Dionaea muscipula #2
Visitors might also spot a few sundews, butterworts and Nepenthes in the future.