Hairy Nepenthes, especially with teeth, are among the most popular and sought after Nepenthes plants. The species which creates these wondrous Nepenthes hybrids is Nepenthes hamata. N. hamata often contributes hair on lid and body of the pitchers. Frequently there are the menacing teeth on the peristome which attract and mesmerize Nepenthes growers. Lastly, most N. hamata hybrids produce pitchers with ease and tend to keep them on the plant for a lengthy time! At Bergen Water Gardens we are excited to offer Nepenthes hamata from 2 different locations: (September 2019)
BE 3380  Nepenthes hamata Lumut form. The easiest to grow of all forms of the species. Dark purple striped pitcher body with deeply clawed nearly black peristomes. Upper pitchers are green with very long peristome claws BE 3715  Nepenthes hamata Lumut form This group are nursery cuttings that are medium size. It is the same clone as BE 3380 BE 3975  Nepenthes hamata ‘Gng. Tambusisi’ . The parent plants both originate from a different mountain from any other N. hamata on the market. Peristomes on mature plants observed in the wild are sometimes red and the lower pitchers are often larger than the previously introduced form from Gng. Lumut.
Here are the various Nepenthes hamata hybrids we have currently in stock: (September 2019)
BE 3777Â Nepenthes Lady Pauline x hamata ( small and medium size) Lady Pauline is Nepenthes maxima x talangensis BE 3726Â Nepenthes ampullaria x hamata BE 3948Â Nepenthes ampullaria x hamata
BE 3898Â Nepenthes aristolochioides x hamata (lg.) BE 3912Â Nepenthes glabrata x hamata BE 3953Â Â Nepenthes glandulifera x hamata
BE 3755  Nepenthes hamata x robcantleyi (lg) BE 3943  Nepenthes hamata x veitchii BE 3725   Nepenthes petiolata x hamata
BE 3958Â Â Nepenthes robcantleyi x hamata BE 3562Â Â Nepenthes sibuyanensis x hamata BE 3955Â Â Nepenthes singalana x hamata
BE 3712Â Â Nepenthes spathulata x hamata BE 3793Â Â Nepenthes spathulata x hamata NE 131Â Â Â Â Â Nepenthes hamata x platychila