Stereochilus dalatensis


Stereochilus dalatensis is a cute little miniature from Vietnam and southern China. Growing conditions a similar to a vanda, make sure its dried out by night fall. Typically blooms in Spring or summer.

Plants are mounted on plastic mount. Plants are NOT currently in bloom or spike.


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SKU: ZEN_21521 Categories: , ,


Stereochilus dalatensis

Type: Epiphyte orchid

Flower Color: purplish white petals with a deep purple lip

Fragrant: ??

Grow: Grow mounted or in baskets are best. If potted needs excellent drainage

Temperature range: Intermediate, 65 F and higher

Light level: Medium light

Water: Water roots thoroughly so they turn green and water drips from root tip. Make sure plants are dry by evening

Comments: Compact grower/ Miniature