
Little Goddess of Nanyue Lotus(One of Excellent Blooming micro lotus)

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $29.00.

Little Goddess of Nanyue Lotus is a pink micro lotus from China. This is a multi petal flower which has pink petals then turn to light pink, it will be white color on 3th day. It is a new introduction for 2021, we excited to offer it!

How to fertilize micro lotus: Putting 1/4 of pondtabbs for 6 inch pot when the plant get first standing leave or 4 floating leaves,  Putting 1 table of pondtabbs for 10 inch bowl when the plant get first standing leave or 4 floating leave,  Do the same thing in each 10-15 days, please don’t over fertilize, because it is tiny pot, otherwise it will kill the plant.

How to maintain micro lotus during growing season: keeping enough water in the pot, watering them twice or three times a day, cleaning algae from the pot from time to time, so the plant would grow well.

How to maintain micro lotus during winter time: keeping the whole pot with water inside your house, and temperature will be around 55-60. And repot the plant when the temperature is around 65-70 in spring.

Micro Lotus is not indoor plant, they need full sun during growing season. PLEASE DON’T GROW MICRO LOTUS INDOOR!

Please check our micro lotus pot here Chinese Micro Lotus Pot

5 in stock


Nelumbo ‘Little Goddess of Nanyue  ’
Color: Pink with white
Size: Micro
Leaf Height: 8 to 10 inches
Flower Type: Multi Petal Flower
Flower Diameter: 2 -3 inches
Flower Height: 8 – 11 inches
Flowering Period:  2 months