Sarracenia Bug Bat


Sarracenia ‘Bug Bat’ is a vigorous growing pitcher plant. It’s pitchers can grow up to 20 inches tall and have a distinctive hood. The back of the hood features small white windows thanks to the S. minor parent.The hoods will darken to a deeper reddish – copper color as the season progresses. This is most likely a cross of Sarracenia (alata x psittacina) x (minor var. okefenokeensis). The flowers are a deep red color in the spring.

Plants available are in a 4 inch pot. Plants are small 3 to 4″ as of April 2024

8 in stock

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Pitcher Plant  (Sarracenia sp.) Care

  • Use only pure water – rainwater, distilled water or RO water. Be careful of bottled water as some contain salt which will kill your Pitcher Plant
  • Keep soil moist; usually a tray or dish with 1/2 to 1.0 inch of water
  • Mist the pitcher every few days with pure water
  • Pitcher plants like a sunny or partial sunny location.
  • Soil is a mixture of 50% peat and 50% play sand. Some growers add pearlite to the mix.
  • Do not fertilize your plant. Pitcher plants will receive sufficient nutrition from the bugs they catch
  • It’s best to let your Pitcher plant go dormant from Thanksgiving to Valentines Day. Keep cool but freezing; keep moist but not too wet. A cold garage, cold window are good – 35 to 50 degrees.
  • Repot your pitcher plant every 3 to 5 years during its dormancy; use a taller pot

Pitcher plants are best in bogs but can survive in a sunny window but must have a rest period