
Colorful Lantern in Qinhuai Lotus- One of Best Micro Lotus, Tea Cup Lotus and Winner!!!!

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $30.00.

N. Colorful Lantern in Qinhuai Lotus is one of the finest Chinese lotus we offer at Bergen Water Gardens. First, it is one of the first blooming lotus for each new season. Color Lantern in Qinhuai keeps blooming all season long. It’s flowers are a deep red with a yellow center. It is a prolific bloomer. We have had up to 10 flowers and buds at one time on this impressive lotus! Its a small lotus; perfect to grow as a bowl lotus. In 2019, we planting the smaller tubers in micro pots, only six inches in diameter and expect a perfect sized micro lotus.

Lantern Festivals, along the Qinhuai River, date back to the Eastern Wu, approximately 222 AD. The brightly colored lanterns back then were made of textiles; today they are primarily paper products. The colors are usually red and yellow, the same as Colorful Lantern in Qinhuai Lotus. The lanterns are especially common around the Confucius Temple, which is adjacent to the Qinhuai River in Nanjing. The Lantern Fair or Festival traditionally marks the close of Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival.

How to fertilize micro lotus: Putting 1/4 of Pondtabbs for 6 inch pot when the plant get first standing leave or 4 floating leaves,  Putting 1 table of pondtabbs for 10 inch bowl when the plant get first standing leave or 4 floating leave,  Do the same thing in each 10-15 days, please don’t over fertilize, because it is tiny pot, otherwise it will kill the plant.

How to maintain micro lotus during growing season: keeping enough water in the pot, watering them twice or three times a day, cleaning algae from the pot from time to time, so the plant would grow well.

How to maintain micro lotus during winter time: keeping the whole pot with water inside your house, and temperature will be around 55-60. And repot the plant when the temperature is around 65-70 in spring.

Micro Lotus is not indoor plant, they need full sun during growing season. PLEASE DON’T GROW MICRO LOTUS INDOOR!

Please check our micro lotus pot here Chinese Micro Lotus Pot


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Nelumbo ‘Colorful Lantern in Qinhuai Lotus ’
Color:  Red, with yellow center
Size:  Bowl Lotus / Small
Leaf Height: 7.87 to 14.0 inches (20-35 cm)
Flower Type: Single
Flower Diameter: 3.15 to 3.94 inches (8-10 cm)
Flower Height: 8 to 15 inches (20.32 – 38.1 cm)
Flowering Period: June through September
Maternal Parent:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hybridizer: Ding Yuesheng
Comments: This variety is one of the first to bloom and it will bloom all season long.


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Lotus Colors