Hardy waterlilies are plants which will survive the cold winter temperatures provided therhizome does not freeze. All hardy waterlilies are day bloomers. The color selection available for hardy waterlilies are pink, red, yellow, white, peach and changeable.
Here are some examples of hardy waterlilies commonly available at Bergen Water Gardens:
N. ‘Sioux’
N. ‘Clyde Ikins’: Large Peach flower held above mottled leaves. Medium size plant
N. ‘Cynthia Ann’: 4 to 5 inches flowers above lightly mottled foliage. Ideal for small ponds. Small plant
N. ‘Mangkala Ubol’: Peachy Yellow Flower; green pads, with flecks. Great Bloomer. Hybridizer: Nopchai Chansilpa 1997.
N, ‘Pink Grapefruit’: Large peachy-pink flowers that are held high above the water. Leaves are green, round and speckled. Hybridizer” Kirk Strawn 1997
N. ‘Wanvisia’: A chance mutation of N. ‘Joey Tomicik’, Wanvisa produces spotted flowers that range from peach, orange, reddish to sections of pure yellow. The pads are also beautifully mottled. This is only hardy waterlily to date to win the IWGS ‘Best New Waterlily’ and that was in 2010. History of Wanvisa
N. ‘Arc-En-Ceil’: Outstanding leaves with splashes of pink, cream and occasionally red. Pale pink flower fades to white. Medium size plant.
N. ‘Bernice Ikins’: Blooms are an intense, deep fushsia color with double flowers. The pads compliment the flowers with their reddish green color. The is a free flowering medium size waterlily. Hybridizer: Kirk Strawn
N. ‘Colorado’: Salmon color Flower. New leaf is mottled fading to all green. Extremely free flowering and has a long blooming season. Medium size plant.
N. ‘Fabiola’: Large, light pink flowers with fragrance. Foliage is deep green. Free Flowering. Medium size plant
N. ‘JoAnne Pring’: Small cup shaped, deep rink flowers. Very free flowering. Dark green leaves. Ideal for container gardens. Small size plant.
N. ‘MME. Wilfron Gonnere’: A large double flower which has a deep pink center and lighter outer petals. Green pads. Will take some shade. Free Flowering. Medium to large size plant.
N. ‘Patio Joe’: Rich salmon pink flowers are held high above wonderfully mottled leaves. The plant is free flowering and a vigorous grower. Medium size plant.
N. ‘Perry’s Fire Opal’: Rich pink , double flower with 40 to 50 petals. Flower shape is peony-style. It has a delightful fragrance. Great for tub gardens. Small to medium size plant.
N. ‘Pink Ribbon’: Large, deep pink flowers with yellow stamens. Green leaves. Free Flowering. Medium size plant
N. ‘Attraction’: One of the largest red flowing waterlilies which opens cup shaped and gets more star like by the third day.. Green pads. Large size plant.
N. ‘Black Princess’: Dark red petals the first day, by third day the inner petals are almost black. Leaves are purple changing to olive green. The flower is held 6 to 8 inches above the water. Hybridizer: Perry Slocum 1995. US Patent has now expired.
N. ‘Gloriosa’: Gloriosa is a free flowering, bright red, cup shaped waterlily. Leaves are 8 to 9 inches in diameter and green. Hybridizer: Marliac 1896.
N. ‘Gypsy’: First day flowers are white streaked with red and darken to red by last day. Green pads, good Bloomer. Medium size plant. Hybridizer: Strawn 1998
N. ‘Laydekeri Fulgens’: Red glowing blooms with fiery red stamens. Extremely free flowering. Reddish brown flecks on dark green leaves. Cup like flowers. Great for containers. Medium size plant. Hybridizer: Marliac 1895
N. ‘Manee Red’: Brilliant red hardy waterlily with high petal count. The flower will not burn in the hot Thai sun. Pads are green. Hybridizer: from Thailand Pairat Songpanich.
N. ‘Perry’s Baby Red’: Small Green leaves with red , cup-shaped flower. Slight fragrance. Excellent for a container garden. Great bloomer. Small size plant.
N. ‘Steven Strawn’: Orange-red blossoms are are held just above rich green foliage, which is covered with dark specks. It is a moderate bloomer. Medium size plant.
N. ‘Moondance’: Beautiful and abundant white star shaped blossoms with bright yellow centers that are held high above mottled leaves. This is a medium to large plants
N. ‘Perry’s Double White’: Free flowering, pure white petals. Deep green leaves. Long blooming season. Medium size plant.
N. ‘Charlene Strawn’: Star-shaped blooms with green leaves. Long blooming season. It will tolerate some shade. Medium size plant.
N. ‘Helvola’: Miniature bright yellow flowers. It is very free flowering. Mottled leaves. There is a slight fragrance. Tolerates partial shade. This is a true dwarf waterlily, ideal for tub gardens.
N. ‘Inner Light’: Yellow flower with a bright yellow center. Leaves have small flecks. Medium size plant.
N. ‘Joey Tomocik’: A strong bloomer with rich lemon-yellow blossoms. Nicely mottled foliage. It is often late to recover from the winter ice but is strong performer after that. Medium size plant.
N. ‘Sunrise’:
N. “Texas Dawn’: Star-shaped, lemon yellow blossoms. Pads are flecked with reddish brown. Lemony fragrance. Longest blooming season. Will grow in some shade. Medium size plant.