On this 2019 Winter Solstice, we had a near perfect, clear sunset. With the sun setting at the lowest angle of the year, it’s light bathed our Nepenthes collection in greenhouse #4 directly from the side. This provided a unique opportunity to see our mature Nepenthes collection ” in a different light”. Enjoy!
Nepenthes ventricosa x robcantleyi BE 3407
N. robcantleyi x (aristolochoides x spectabilis) BE 3862
Nepenthes ventricosa (Madja-as Form) BE 3278
Nepenthes spathulata x gymnamphora BE 9999
Nepenthes maxima x ramispina BE 3740
Nepenthes ‘Lady Pauline’ x hamata BE 3777
Nepenthes robcantleyi x (aristolochoides x spectabilis) Be 3862
Nepenthes spathulata x aristolochioides BE 3896 Lower
Our plants have been growing throughout the summer of 2021. Many are looking spectacular, with numerous pitchers per plant or larger pitchers. The actual update…
Slowly we are sorting through our Nepenthe’s inventory in our various 4 greenhouses. We have found some exceptional plants hidden away on our various benches….
May 6th The Final Product: Special Thanks to everyone who helped us make this possible: Oriental Garden Supply Sensenig’s Landscape Landscape Blackwater Creek Koi Farms…
Bergen Water Gardens is proud to offer carnivorous plants which are produced exclusively by artificial and natural propagation. Our carnivorous plants are never collected from…