20210801_171819-650 LotusFest Featured in China Gardening Express

Our 2021 LotusFest Event was a huge success attracting over 600 attendees on July 31 and August 1. The lotus will continue blooming all through August but we use this weekend to kickoff our celebration. We shared our photos on WeChat, with our family, friends and growers in China. The story caught the eye of a reporter for China Gardening Express, who wanted to share the story with their readers. Here is his article with a Google translation following: 美国荷花展彰显中国传统文化特色 中国花木园林快讯 记者柏斌报道 7月31日8月1日,美国纽约卑尔根水上花园举办一场极具中国传统文化特色的荷花展,集中展示了以中国荷花品种为主的荷花品种300多个。 American lotus exhibition highlights the characteristics of traditional Chinese culture China Gardening Express reporter Bai Bin reported that on July 31st and August 1, the Bergen Water Garden in New York, USA, held a lotus exhibition with Chinese traditional cultural characteristics, focusing on 300 lotus varieties, mainly Chinese lotus varieties.


据该花园总经理、国际睡莲与水景园协会前执行总监拉里介绍,该花园2019年首次举办的荷花展就展出250余个荷花品种。去年因疫情影响而停办。今年的荷花展,通过荷池种植和缸栽展示了以中国的‘抹陵秋色’、‘红唇’、‘墨红’、‘光岳楼’、‘大洒锦’、‘艺叶洒金芙蓉’等品种为主,包括美国的‘黄鸟’、‘伯里夫人’以及来自印度的三个荷花原种在内的荷花品种300多个。 U.S. flower visitors admire lotus flowers in the garden According to Larry, general manager of the garden and former executive director of the International Waterlily and Waterscape Gardens Association, the garden’s first lotus exhibition in 2019 exhibited more than 250 lotus varieties. The operation was suspended last year due to the impact of the epidemic. This year’s lotus exhibition, through lotus pond planting and tank planting, showed the Chinese’ Autumn in Moling’, ‘Charming Lips’,’Black Red’,’Tower of Day and Night,’Da Sajin’, and ‘Golden Splash Hibiscus’ Lotus’ There are more than 300 varieties of lotus including the United States’ Yellow Bird, Mrs. Perry D Slocum, and three original lotus species from India.  


据了解,本次荷花展除主要展示中国荷花品种外,还结合美国水景景观,巧妙的布置展示了极具有中国传统文化特色的凉亭、陶瓷、灯笼、花艺作品等展品和用莲藕炸制的莲藕片等美食,供市民欣赏和品尝。此外还通过举办讲座,普及荷花栽培和中国荷花文化知识。拉里说:“8月是荷花盛开的季节,因此在花展期间,每天都有不少美国人前来欣赏荷花,感受中国传统文化。这次荷花展深受美国人喜爱,为美国人更多的了解中国荷花和中国荷花文化,搭建了一个重要平台。” U.S. flower-viewing tourists are tasting lotus root slices on Italian pizza, with Chinese characteristics It is understood that this lotus exhibition not only mainly displays Chinese lotus varieties, but also combines American waterscape landscapes, and cleverly displays pavilions, ceramics, lanterns, floral works and other exhibits with Chinese traditional cultural characteristics, and lotus roots fried with lotus roots. Films and other delicacies for citizens to appreciate and taste. In addition, lectures were held to popularize the knowledge of lotus cultivation and Chinese lotus culture. Larry said: “August is the season when the lotus is in full bloom, so during the flower show, many Americans come to appreciate the lotus and experience the traditional Chinese culture every day. It’s an important platform to understand Chinese lotus and Chinese lotus culture.”


据悉,总面积16英亩(约97亩)的卑尔根水上花园除种植荷花外,还种植热带睡莲、耐寒睡莲和跨亚属睡莲约150个品种,是纽约地区最大的食虫植物零售商。拉里告诉记者,国际睡莲与水景园协会(IWGS)计划2023 年在该花园召开年会,为此,他们将扩建荷池,再增加约50个荷花品种。 An American girl in a Chinese cheongsam posing with a lotus-themed floral work with Chinese characteristics It is reported that the Bergen Water Garden with a total area of 16 acres (about 97 acres) not only planted lotus, but also planted about 150 varieties of tropical waterlilies, hardy water lilies and trans-subgenus water lilies. It is the largest insectivorous plant retailer in New York. Larry told reporters that the International Waterlily and Water Garden Association (IWGS) plans to hold an annual meeting in the garden in 2023/the future. To this end, they will expand the lotus pond and add about 50 lotus species.

极具中国特色的荷花主题花艺作品 Lotus theme floral works with Chinese characteristics
极具中国特色的荷花主题花艺作品 Lotus theme floral works with Chinese characteristics
极具中国特色的荷花主题花艺作品 Lotus theme floral works with Chinese characteristics
具有中国文化特色的缸栽荷花 Potted lotus with Chinese cultural characteristics
具有中国文化特色的缸栽荷花 Potted lotus with Chinese cultural characteristics
美国赏花游客在品尝具有中国特色的莲藕片美食 U.S. flower-viewing tourists are tasting lotus root slices on Italian pizza with Chinese characteristics

纽约卑尔根水上花园景观 View of Bergen Water Garden, New York    

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