Venus Fly Trap Red Trap


Venus Fly Trap Red Trap is a standard green Venus fly trap with a red interior in its trap, The plants are produced in tissue culture and most pots have multiple plants in them. They are vigorous growers.

Plants are potted in 4 inch pots, filled with peat moss, sand and pearlite.

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Dente Venus Fly Trap

Venus Fly Trap (Dionaea muscipula) Care
• Use only pure water – rainwater, distilled water or RO water. Be careful of bottled water as some contain salt which will kill your Venus fly trap
• Keep soil moist; usually a tray or dish with 1/2 to 1.0 inch of water
• Mist the trap every few days with pure water
• VFT like a sunny or partial sunny location. If growing under lights inside, 3 to 6 inches from light source.
• Soil is a mixture of 50% peat and 50% course sand. Some growers add pearlite to the mix.
• Do not fertilize your plant. VFT will receive sufficient nutrition from the bugs they catch
• Do not feed your trap hamburger or other foods, let them catch their own food
• Do not trigger or force the trap closed. This take a lot of energy from the plant plus the traps can only open and close three to five times.
• VFT take 3 to 4 years to mature and may live for 20 to 30 years.
• It’s best to let your VFT go dormant from Thanksgiving to Valentines Day. Keep cool but freezing; keep moist but not too wet. A cold garage, cold window are good: 35 to 50 degrees.

Venus Fly Traps will be dormant November until March