Rth. Young Min Orange ‘Golden Satisfaction’ x B. nodosa 4N


Rth. Young Min Orange ‘Golden Satisfaction’ x B. nodosa 4N is an easy orchid to grow and will bloom several times during the year.

Plants are in 3 inch pots and not currently in spike or bloom at this time.

6 in stock


Rth. Young Min Orange ‘Golden Satisfaction’ x B. nodosa 4N

(Rhyncattleanthe Viola Nuggett × Cattlianthe Trick or Treat) B. nodosa 4N

Type: Epiphyte orchid

Color: soft Orange

Fragrance: Yes at night

Grow: Potted: make sure orchid bark media drains well. May also be mounted on cork.

Temperature range: Warm ( 70 to 85 F)

Light level: medium to bright light



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