Rth. Air Dream ‘Pretty Girl’
Rth. Air Dream ‘Pretty Girl’ is an easy to grow, compact Cattleya.
Plants are potted in 2.5/3 inch pots and are not in spike or bloom.
7 in stock
Rth. Air Dream ‘Pretty Girl’
Rhyncattleanthe Air Dream ‘Pretty Girl’ (C. Lucky Chance x Rth. Big Dream) C-Y.Chen in 2018
Type: Epiphyte orchid
Color: White with yellow stripes, with a frilly pink lip
Fragrance: Yes
Grow: Potted: make sure orchid bark media drains well. May also be mounted on cork.
Temperature range: Warm ( 70 to 85 F)
Light level: medium to bright light
Comments: Compact grower
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