Propetalum (Pptm.) La Jolla Delight ‘Hilo Orchid Farm’ AM/AOS


Propetalum (Pptm.) La Jolla Delight ‘Hilo Orchid Farm’ AM/AOS is a compact and easy to grow orchid, with a sweet fragance.

Plants are in a 2.5/ 3 inch pot and are NOT in spike or bloom at this time.

9 in stock



Propetalum (Pptm.) La Jolla Delight ‘Hilo Orchid Farm’ AM/AOS

Propetalum orchids are a cross of Zygopetalum and Promenaea

Type: Epiphyte orchid

Color: Waxy, deep burgundy flowers

Fragrance: Yes

Grow: Potted: make sure orchid bark media drains well. May also be mounted on cork.

Temperature range: Intermediate ( 65 to 80 F)

Light level: medium/Intermediate

Comments: Compact growing plants



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