Neofinetia falcata Magenta Princess x N. falcata ‘Maleficent’


Neofinetia falcata or “Neos” are often called the wind orchid or”fuuran” .

Orchids are currently potted in 2.5 to 3.0 inch pots

5 in stock


Neofinetia falcata Magenta Princess x N. falcata ‘Maleficent’

Type: Epiphyte orchid

Flower Color: lavender

Fragrant: Yes

Grow: Traditional Japanese style moss mound, potted with coarse bark, grown in baskets or mounted on cork

Temperature range: Warm, 60 F and higher

Light level: Medium to high light

Water: Water roots thoroughly so they turn green and water drips from root tip. Make sure plants are dry by evening

Comments: Easy to grow and flower


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