Dendrobium laevifolium “Fireball’ x sib ‘#7’


Dendrobium laevifolium “Fireball’ x sib ‘#7’ is a miniature orchid which can flower up to 3 months. If grown well, it will also flower twice a year.

Plants are in 2.5” pots and not in spike or bloom.

8 in stock


Dendrobium laevifolium “Fireball’ x sib ‘#7’

Type: Epiphyte orchid

Color: Bright, bright pink with very high color saturation and a subtle yellow highlight in the middle

Fragrance: No

Grow: Potted- make sure orchid bark media drains well. Also found in the wild growing on rocks. some growers like to pot these in sphagnum moss.

Temperature range: Warm ( 70 to 85 F)

Light level: medium  light

Comments: This orchid likes to grow on the damp side


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